
The Weeb Wagon (IGVC 2023)
ROS, Python, C++, Unity, OpenCV
IGVC is an annual competition to develop a autonomous self-driving vehicle to stay within lanes and avoid obstacles. The robot will plan its own path across the course using computer vision, LIDAR, GPS, and other odometry sensors.

The Rat Van (IGVC 2022)
ROS, Python, C++, Unity, OpenCV
IGVC is an annual competition to develop a autonomous self-driving vehicle to stay within lanes and avoid obstacles. The robot will plan its own path across the course using computer vision, LIDAR, GPS, and other odometry sensors.

The Aluminum Whale (IGVC 2021)
ROS, Python, C++, Unity, OpenCV
IGVC is an annual competition to develop a autonomous self-driving vehicle to stay within lanes and avoid obstacles. The robot will plan its own path across the course using computer vision, LIDAR, GPS, and other odometry sensors.

The Steel Cannon (IGVC 2020)
ROS, Python, C++, Unity, OpenCV
IGVC is an annual competition to develop a autonomous self-driving vehicle to stay within lanes and avoid obstacles. The robot will plan its own path across the course using computer vision, LIDAR, GPS, and other odometry sensors.

ROS, Python, Genetic Algorithm
Beebotics was my course project CS 5023 Intro to Intelligent Robotics. The project uses a genetic algorithm to search a map for a valid path for a mobile robot.

Canvas Unity
Java, Android Studio
Canvas Unity was my Hacklahoma 2018 entry which won Top 10 Hack. This is an Android app that let users create a list of things to get done (GTD style). It also had Canvas integration, allowing it to automatically pull assignments and events from OU's LMS.

C#, Unity, VR, Oculus Rift
Telecommunibreakin was a short virtual reality game project made in Unity. The game let you break into a muesum and steal art while avoiding and disabling robot guards. This project was made with a few other members as part of the GDA.